We provide information about Japan, especially Japanese taxation, for foreign-affiliated companies and non-Japanese.
Corporation Tax
Corporation Tax
Taxation of Foreign Companies with Permanent Establishments (PE) in Japan
Overview of Taxation on Permanent Establ...
Corporation Tax
Reduced Corporation Tax Rate Applicable to Japanese SMC
SMCs (Small and Medium-sized Companies) ...
Corporation Tax
Points on the Establishment of a Japanese Subsidiary by a U.S. Company
The following is a summary of points to ...
Corporation Tax
Japan Subsidiary and Japan Branch Tax Differences
Although both Japan subsidiaries (includ...
Japan Consumption Tax (JCT)
Japan Consumption Tax (JCT)
JCT on Foreign Companies Selling Goods in Japan via FBA
The Japan Consumption Tax (JCT) implicat...
Japan Consumption Tax (JCT)
Expansion of JCT Obligations for Foreign Companies (2024 Tax Reform)
With the tax reform in 2024, the scope o...
Japan Consumption Tax (JCT)
JCT status of newly established Japanese subsidiaries for their first and second fiscal years
Under the Japan Consumption Tax (JCT) La...
Japan Consumption Tax (JCT)
Japan Consumption Tax refund for Japanese subsidiaries providing services for their foreign parent companies
The provision of services by Japanese su...